
Calgary Flames Defenceman
The Landing Pad is an expansion of the Parachutes for Pets' Pet Advocacy Center as part of the Weegz & Wags Pet Safekeeping and Wellness Program supported by Calgary Flames defenceman Mackenzie Weegar and his family. The Weegz & Wagz program aims to maintain the health and well-being of animals through prevention of diseases and maintaining healthy habits. This includes annual veterinary exams, vaccines, regular grooming and spay and neuter programs for clients in PFP Programming. ​​​​
Part of this program is offering safekeeping services to members of our community who are suffering a hardship. Temporary safekeeping is available to people in the community who need assistance during emergencies such as apartment fires or floods, for people undergoing medical procedures with planned recovery times, and for the unhoused during inclement weather or while working. We’re dedicated to helping low-income individuals improve their pets’ health and well-being. Our accessible programs make a difference to our community.
"I’m incredibly excited to be an ambassador for such a great cause as Parachutes For Pets and to be supporting the important work they are doing to keep families together in Calgary. My dog Ziggy means everything to me, and I’m very proud to help others maintain those special bonds."

- Mackenzie Weegar